Train teams in offensive and defensive cyber ranges. Set up tournaments and track progress with leaderboards in Versus. Understand skill gaps, build training plans & measure learner growth.
Use the OCR by simulating real-world threats in our live environment, map critical vulnerabilities, and stay ahead of the curve.
Stage internal team face-offs in a dynamic environment, reveal communication gaps, bridge the skills divide, and build an integrated cybersecurity posture.
You can test your defenses in our live-fire range. Experience real attacks, hone incident response, and gain the skills to protect your critical assets.
Identify potential vulnerabilities that could impact operations and assess security controls used to mitigate these threats. Understand skill gaps and develop training plans for offensive team members.
The Offensive Cyber Range (OCR) mirrors the complex networks attackers thrive in. Master the latest exploits, map your organization's vulnerabilities, and develop skills that will transform your team into a proactive offensive force.
Built to look and feel like an enterprise environment from single machines to entire networks, use the OCR to understand how attacks impact your unique environment. Each customer gets access to their own secure range delivering seamless training experiences.
New machines, based on the latest attack vectors, are added to make sure your teams are ready to handle anything. Trust that your team has the practice required to successfully improve your security posture.
Practice real-world attack scenarios to assess skills, and build your team's offensive security expertise. Improve communication to protect your organization from the negative impacts of the next attack.
Map your organization's attack surface, quantify vulnerabilities, and measure your team's skill progress. Use this data to optimize your security strategies and tailor your learning programs for maximum impact.
Created to meet the specific needs of the enterprise, Learn Enterprise addresses the cybersecurity talent gap through continuous skills development and knowledge acquisition.